Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana, full of cultural history. Much of the community is connected to LSU in some way, providing many opportunities for jobs, secondary education, and entertainment. Also, you have not seen a football game until you see one in Death Valley! We have great coffee shops, recreation, and, of course, incredible food! Crawfish boils in the Spring and Gumbo in the Winter. Plus, New Orleans is only an hour away. Baton Rouge is a small city with the amenities of much larger metropolitan areas, including an airport, museums, Costco, a large indoor shopping mall, and concert venues. Homes are reasonably priced, and numerous educational options exist, including great homeschool groups, private schools, public magnet schools, and charter schools. For entertainment, we have one of the nation's top escape rooms (rated #13), Top Golf, Swamp Tours, and LSU Sporting events.