Graduate Associate Program (GAP)

Job Posted 11/18/2024
NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Ed
Washington, D.C., DC
United States
Category Education
Job Description


The benefits of becoming a NASPA GAP are numerous. Aside from becoming more knowledgeable about your professional association and networking with other graduate students, all NASPA GAPs will receive recognition on the NASPA website and the ability to apply to intern at NASPA's Annual Conference in Boston, MA.



Initially envisioned by 2009 NASPA summer interns Jimmy Doan and Danielle Howard, the NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP) is an initiative to increase leadership opportunities of graduate students within NASPA. NASPA GAs work collaboratively with other GAs throughout the world to become another communication conduit for NASPA events, publications, and programs offerings within a campus community. Associates also have the opportunity to serve on an unofficial graduate student council, providing another perspective for NASPA student membership. 

Job Requirements
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