Trinity is hiring a Church Planting Resident to join our staff for two years (~August 2025 - July 2027) to be supported, mentored, trained, and developed to plant a local congregation. As a member of our pastoral team, you will be engaged in and leading various ministries of the church while growing key core competencies to prepare you to plant a congregation in the summer/fall of 2027.
Duties & Responsibilities
Pastoral Rounds
Ministry Creation
You will meet with a variety of mentors to help you reflect and process your experiences, question, learn, and grow in church planting core competencies and spiritual formation.
Structured Learning
You will be building relationships with people within Trinity and outside who might choose to be a part of your core planting team. You will recruit, inspire, equip, disciple, and prepare this team to plant with you.
Required Qualifications
Alignment with Trinity Core Commitments, values, and vision
Alignment with Trinity’s statement of Christian Belief & Character
Must acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior and exhibit a growing maturity in the likeness of Christ.
Must be a seminary graduate or nearing the completion of a seminary degree